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docs:ct-dspim [2019/02/28 00:25]
Melissa Glidewell still in creation mode
docs:ct-dspim [2019/02/28 18:53] (current)
Melissa Glidewell [SPIM Head] adding Post Mounts section
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 Mount the stilts to the breadboard, align them if necessary, and mount the XY stage to the stilts. ASI has a detailed [[http://www.asiimaging.com/docs/ftp_setup|FTP setup guide]] on their documentation site. Mount the stilts to the breadboard, align them if necessary, and mount the XY stage to the stilts. ASI has a detailed [[http://www.asiimaging.com/docs/ftp_setup|FTP setup guide]] on their documentation site.
 +===== Post Mounts =====
 +ASI has a detailed [[http://asiimaging.com/docs/post_mount_setup|Post Mount Setup guide]] on their documentation site.
 +Mount the post mount rods, ~55 cm center to center, to the optic table with four M6 x 25 mm bolts.
 +The retaining collars are already installed on your posts at the same height; they can be adjusted later.  
 +Place the black rod-to-rod 90° connector on top of the retaining collars on both posts as in Figure 1.  Do not tighten them yet. 
 +Insert the shorter horizontal rod (attached to a black S-shaped arm with a split ring on the end) all the way into the black connector.  
 +Tighten the clamp so that the split rings are symmetrical: up ~45°, towards the center, and almost exactly 20 cm center to center (the distance between CUBE-IIIs, center to center). 
 +Leave the connection around the vertical post loose.
 ===== SPIM Head ===== ===== SPIM Head =====
 **Tools**: 6 hex driver **Tools**: 6 hex driver
 +from ct-spim document in Google Drive
 +Post Mount Rods
 +SPIM Head
 +Attach the camera and scanner tube lenses using a 1.5 mm hex driver, see Figure 3.
 +Figure 2: The camera and scanner tube lenses mount via three set screws in the CUBE-IIIs.
 +Lift the SPIM head and insert the tube lenses all the way, until the cubes are up against the split rings.  You may need to loosen the clamps around the horizontal bars. Make sure you support the SPIM head any time the horizontal bars are not tightly clamped.
 +Level the SPIM head; support its weight and loosen all 4 clamps. After it is level, engage the clamps on all 4 rod connection points. The two sides should be symmetric.
 +Tighten the bolts on the split ring, alternately tightening one bolt a bit (less one turn) and then the other, otherwise the asymmetric tension can cause the split ring to bind up.
 +If you need to move the SPIM head up or down, support the SPIM head, loosen the retaining collars on the vertical rods and move them along the posts, and finally re-lock onto the vertical rods.
 ===== Scanners =====  ===== Scanners =====