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docs:gaussian_beam [2019/02/09 00:00]
Jon Daniels
docs:gaussian_beam [2019/05/07 23:18] (current)
Jon Daniels
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 For a typical diSPIM setup, NA_illum = 0.366 * iris_D / EFL where For a typical diSPIM setup, NA_illum = 0.366 * iris_D / EFL where
   * 0.366 is the half the total magnification between iris and back focal plane   * 0.366 is the half the total magnification between iris and back focal plane
-  * iris_D is the iris diameter+  * iris_D is the iris diameter (technically scaled by 0.92 to account for the 22.5 degree tilt in mounting)
   * EFL is the effective focal length of the objective, e.g. 5mm for Nikon 40x, 9mm for Olympus 20x, and 12mm for the cleared tissue objective @ RI~1.45   * EFL is the effective focal length of the objective, e.g. 5mm for Nikon 40x, 9mm for Olympus 20x, and 12mm for the cleared tissue objective @ RI~1.45