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docs:manual [2019/02/27 23:02]
Melissa Glidewell [Mount]
docs:manual [2019/03/11 16:37] (current)
Jon Daniels [Optical alignment]
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 **Goals:** **Goals:**
-The qualities of final alignmentfor both SPIM optical paths, include all of the following: +The qualities of final alignment (for both SPIM optical paths), include all of the following: 
-  * epi spot centered on epi camera +  * beam/sheet plane coincident with imaging focus planenear the center of the piezo and/or slice travel
-  * beam waist centered on imaging camera +
-  * beam/sheet plane coincident with imaging focus plane near the center of the piezo travel +
-  * beam perpendicular to imaging camera field of view+
   * sheet centered in imaging camera field of view   * sheet centered in imaging camera field of view
-  * sheets centered in bottom camera’s field of view (i.e. co-alignment of all three objectives)+  * beam perpendicular to imaging camera field of view 
 +  * beam waist centered on imaging camera 
 +  * for dual view, epi spot centered on epi camera 
 +  * when mounted on an inverted microscope, sheets centered in bottom camera’s field of view (i.e. co-alignment of all three objectives) 
 +For single-view systems there are more adjustments than required to achieve good alignment of the single light sheet plane and detection focal plane and does not have an epi view. This makes it easier to align, but also makes it possible to adjust things so that the illumination is far from the center of the illumination objective so this should be checked by eye.
 ==== Overview ====  ==== Overview ====